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Latest news

Hello from the MDNP Executive.

The AGM has been and gone and we are pleased to announce that we have appointed officers to nearly all of the Committee positions. The full list is as follows:

Chair Ashley Rowlands Vice Chair Corinna Smart Vice Chair (Membership) Dave Moore Secretary Maryanne Pike Treasurer Viv Arkell Policy Jeff Hart Women Tanya Alexander Disability Dave Law LGBT+ Tommy Forward Black and Ethnic Minorities Candice Johnson-Cole

At our first Executive Committee meeting we will be discussing our strategy for the next three years and deciding on policies for promotion and campaigning. WE will then present our plans at the February CLP meeting. You are cordially invited to come along and make your contribution on the day or email the Chair with your thoughts or ideas for what should be in our local strategy.


Women’s Forum

Watch this space. New dates to arrive shortly.

Next Constituency meeting

The next meeting of the Constituency Party will take place on Monday February 24th at 7.30pm at the Olive Branch East Borough, Wimborne BH21 1PF

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Supporting the Labour Party in Mid Dorset & North Poole

If you’d like to play a part in our local community and campaign for Labour, this is a good place to start. We are a lively and active constituency determined to provide an alternative voice.

This is where you can find out how to campaign to get Labour candidates elected, support the causes we believe in, and raise money for campaigning. We come from all walks of life and all sections of the community.

We get together at monthly constituency meetings to discuss policy, hear from invited speakers and regularly hold social events. We have close links with the other CLPs within the Dorset and Bournemouth Poole and Christchurch Council areas.

We also hold social events and have community meetings more closely linked to the various neighbourhoods that make up the constituency. We try to listen and learn from those in our community about local issues, which shapes how we influence Labour Party policy.

To contact the Mid Dorset and North Poole constituency, Maryanne Pike is the Secretary - and Ashley Rowlands is the Chair -