The Constituency has the following Officers who are elected to serve for 2022-23



Ashley Rowlands is Chair of Mid Dorset & North Poole constituency Labour Party (MDNP CLP).

Ashley has worked extensively in secondary, further and higher sectors of education since joining the profession in 1976, having held senior management positions within several colleges over a period of 17 years. During his later working life he ran his own education consultancy company. He has been retired for the last five years and has been heavily involved in various charities, either as trustee or volunteer, over the last 20 years. He has been a lifelong member of the Labour Party, and was Chair of the Sandford Branch when it was part of Dorset South, back in 1981. He then moved with his family to Manchester for many years, before the charms of Dorset lured him back.



Maryanne Pike

Maryanne is the Secretary of the MDNP Constituency Labour Party.




Dave is the Vice Chair (Membership) of MDNP Constituency Labour Party

Dave spent most of his working life in IT, initially to specify and write systems and then in various sales roles.  He has lived in Wimborne for twenty years, following a similar period in Manchester.  David comes from a politically radical family – father a senior shop steward in a car factory, brother a Labour Party parliamentary candidate – and has been involved in left wing politics or most of his life.  Particular focus now is to support the development and implementation of socialist policies within the Labour Party.



Viv is the Treasurer of MDNP Constituency Labour Party

She has fulfilled this role for a number of years now. She is an active member of the Labour Party since retiring from her role as a primary school headteacher.


Tanya Alexander

Tanya Alexander is the Women’s Officer for the MDNP Constituency Labour Party

Tanya enjoys a mixture of professions, combining writing, acting, directing and co-running a family company. She has always been interested in exploring how females live in this world, declaring herself a feminist early in life, despite being repeatedly told she was not a feminist - as feminists weren’t nice people! An early introduction to the subtle (and not so subtle) ways that women’s voices and agency are sought to be controlled. Having seen so many positive changes since then, she is encouraged to keep going forward, as there is still so much progress left to make. She has also met many nice feminists, and some rather wonderful not-so-nice ones too!


Jeff Hart

Jeff Hart is the Policy Officer for the MDNP Constituency Labour Party