The Mid Dorset and North Poole CLP is mainly under the jurisdiction of Dorset Council and is in the process of building links with the other CLPs within Dorset. The Dorset Campaign Forum , which has provided this function in the past, was disbanded a couple of years ago, but we support the re-establishment of a coalition in time for the next election, and will be working towards this.

There is currently one Labour Councillor on the Dorset Council, Paul Kimber, from Portland. Paul provides with updates on what is happening at council meetings , and a summary is provided on this page on a quarterly basis. Any urgent or important items will be posted on the News tab. If you want to get direct access to the Council, the Committees etc click on the link above to take you directly to their website.

Spring Quarter Report

The CLP has historically had closer ties with the Bournemouth and Poole constituencies, but the changes to electoral boundaries that are in the pipeline would mean that our CLP would sit entirely within Dorset. For now, however, we are working closely with the BCP CLPs to put forward our views on what should be in the manifesto, selection of candidates for the General Election etc. The Leader of the Labour group on the Council, George Farquhar provides updates in the same way that Paul does for Dorset, and a quarterly summary can be found below. As with Dorset, if you want to get direct access to the BCP Council, the Committees etc click on the link above to take you directly to their website.

Spring Quarter Report