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Mid Dorset & North Poole CLP Meeting

This meeting will be held using ZOOM due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Arrangements for joining this virtual meeting are emailed to members.

Minutes of the last meeting -15 March 2021Mid Dorset and North Poole Constituency Labour Party 

Minutes of the CLP Meeting held as a ZOOM meeting on Monday 15th March 2021.

Dave Peden, Ashley Rowlands, Maya Chatterjee, Stewart Bullen, Janet Green, Sue Bullen, Tanya Alexander, Jim Green, Barbara Hart, Viv Arkell, Alan Bagley, Lyn Rowlands, Jeff Hart, Lisa Lewis (BCP), George Farquhar (BCP), Lewis Allison (BCP) Geoff Pike, Maryanne Pike, Frank Milson, David Stokes, Barry Thompson (DCC), Paul Kimber (DCC), David Mason,

Ruth Pitman, Alison Vaughan, David Moore, Tony Horitz

2.  Minutes of the last Meeting   
Tanya questioned the PR motion going to conference.  Jeff agreed to do this. 
Minutes Accepted:  Proposed: Ashley Rowlands.  Seconded:  Janet Green

3.  Treasurer’s Report 
The Treasurer reported that the CLP now has a surplus of more than £1,500 - £700 more than last year.
A vote of thanks was given to Frank Milsom for auditing the accounts. 
£100 was agreed to be given to North Poole branch for their election campaign.
The accounts for January to December 2020 were accepted and approved :  Proposed: Jeff Hart.  Seconded:  Sue Bullen

4.  Secretary’s Report
The Swanage Labour Party quiz attracted 68 supporters and raised around £400. 
The Annual Conference is on 25th – 29th September in Brighton.  We can send 3 delegates – one goes free of charge.  The Women’s Conference is on 26th – 27th June on-line – we can send 2 delegates.
We are inviting Liz Coles from Devon to the next meeting to talk about membership activities.
We agreed to do regular press  and have completed one on the Dorset Local Plan.
A CLP Executive group has been established.
The next meeting will be on 17th May – no April meeting due to elections.

5.  BCP/DCC Update
The councillors present updated members on issues, such as the Local Election in Canford Heath and members agreed to distribute leaflets;  the Council Tax; the Free Port bid being unsuccessful; an increase in foster carers; homelessness with 16,000 on waiting lists in Dorset; Dorset buying a school in Wiltshire – St Mary’s in Shaftesbury.
Patrick Canavan has requested help in distributing leaflets in Wimborne in mid-April for the Police and Crime Commissioner election.

6.  Branch Developments
Canford Heath campaign was discussed, the Wareham AGM has been deferred and the Wimborne Branch held a meeting recently.


7.  Social Events

A fund-raising paper is being discussed at the Executive meeting and will be on the next meeting’s agenda.


8.  Website and Social Media Update

The MDNP website is outdated and needs attention.  Jacob has volunteered to help.  The Executive will take this forward with Jacob.


9.  Open Discussion

Debate led by Ashley took place regarding Kier Starmer’s performance as it was reported that he had lost ground recently due to the “vaccination bounce”. Ashley posed 2 questions – “what could he have done to improve the position of the party?” and “who else could lead the party?”.  It was noted that Lib Dem members highly rated Kier, as did 21% of Tories.



Date of next meeting:  Monday 17th May 2021 at 7.30 pm on Zoom




·         The motion on PR to be taken forward to Annual Conference.  (Jeff)

·         Update website and look into social media.  (Ashley)

·         Fundraising to be on next agenda.  (Jeff)

·         Treasurer to donate £100 to Canford Heath election campaign.  (Viv)

Distribution of leaflets for Canford Heath and Police and Crime Commissioner elections. (Executiv

Mid Dorset and North Poole CLP


Monday May 17 2021 7.30pm

Via Zoom (Jeff Hart)




1.      Welcome and apologies   (2 mins)


2.      Minutes  and matters arising of  meeting on 15 March  2021(5 mins)


3.      Treasurers Report (5mins)


4.      Women’s Officer report (5 mins)


5.      Update – secretary (5 mins)


6.      Branch developments (5 mins)


7.      Fundraising (see paper) (10 mins)


8.       Website and Social media update (5 mins)


9.      May Election results (10 mins)  


10.  Open discussion on the current political scene– led by Ashley Rowlands (15 mins)


11.  BCP/DCC Updates from Labour councilors (20 mins)


12.  AOB  (5 mins)


13.  Date of next meeting

Monday 21 June 2021 via zoom.